First Public Meeting held August 16, 2023

The City of Artesia held the first public meeting as part of the process to update the Artesia Comprehensive Plan. The meeting was facilitated by the City’s consultant, Consensus Planning, and included a discussion on the community’s vision for Artesia in the next 20 years. Each of the Comprehensive Plan chapters will be updated as part of the planning process, including the Community Profile, Land Use, Economic Development, Housing & Neighborhoods, Transportation, Infrastructure, Community Facilities and Services, Hazard Mitigation, and Implementation.

The public meeting was held in person on Wednesday, August 16th from 6:00 – 7:30 pm at the Artesia Recreation Center, 612 N. Eighth Street. Some members of the City Council and the Planning and Zoning Commission were present for this meeting.

Review the community meeting presentation here:

Review the community meeting agenda here:






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